Clients share their transformations, how they are growing and thriving

Migrated Meghan’s website from WordPress, Samcart & Mailchimp to Kajabi. 

She had a very bad experience with the previous service provider who created her website in wordpress. She could not get through to him neither update her website or edit any information. She felt helpless and decided to move to Kajabi. Now, she is in control, can make changes on her own and feels happier, empowered and more in control. 

Built Coach Tay’s Email Marketing Campaigns in ActiveCampaign

On the other hand, her 5-day challenge was supposed to kick off in 2 days and she needed the emails to go out and the marketing campaign to start running immediately. Right at this time her business partner as well as freelancers she work with were away on holiday or out sick. I built it all in a days time and she was super excited and ecstatic about it.

Smoothened her Convertkit Automations as it was a total mess and integrations with Kajabi & Zapier & Built VSL Funnel for her

She had migrated her courses from teachable to Kajabi. Worked with several freelancers  but she was always clueless to the processes that were created at the backend. I helped her create a smooth workflow so she feels in control. 

Eventually I also created a VSL Funnel for her course marketing which increased her Optin Rates by 60%